Let’s talk about mental health

We talk a lot about physical health - but what about mental health?

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, and we wanted to take a minute to recognize that mental health is just as important as physical health. 

In this fast-paced environment we all live in, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day and forget to take time for ourselves, to slow down and breathe. To relax. 

So, if you’re having an off day or struggling with mental wellness, here are some things that we’ve found can brighten your mood:

  1. Get sunlight! Go outside - fresh air alone can help raise oxygen levels in your brain, increasing serotonin levels - also known as the ‘happy’ hormone. 

  2. Get more sleep (if possible!) - sleep is vital for repairing not just our physical bodies, but our minds as well. Not getting enough sleep can lead to more anxiety, stress, and can make us more irritable. While it’s hard for some of us to get enough sleep due to other factors (jobs, kids, etc) maybe even throwing in some naps here and there can help boost your overall mood for the day.

  3. Stay active - studies show just going on regular walks (around 30 minutes a day) can boost your mood. We aren’t meant to live a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. No matter where we are at physically, movement of any kind can be the key to breaking out of mental patterns or cycles we often find ourselves stuck in. 

  4. Lastly — mindfulness. How we talk to ourselves matters. It may seem odd to say that, but if we start down a negative thought trail, it can often times derail our mood. If we tell ourselves we can’t do something, we probably won’t do it. But if we change our mindset, and feed ourselves positive thoughts, it can make all the difference. Have you ever noticed music can directly affect your mood? Try and listen to positive, upbeat music for even a few minutes, and you’ll likely feel better. The same can be said for listening to negative music. What you feed your mind matters.


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